A Buddhist School


Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue

Developing Virtue Secondary School is a Buddhist school that, in partnership with parents, works to instill and develop in our students the core virtues of kindness, filial reverence, respect, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, integrity and humility. We provide an environment for our students to achieve their full academic potential and become outstanding citizens, who contribute to making their community and the world a better place.


Situated on the grounds of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, a 488-acre Buddhist monastery and international community in the rural outskirts of Ukiah, 110 miles north of San Francisco, the Instilling Goodness/Developing Virtue Schools educate boys and girls separately, creating an environment conducive to academic and personal growth. The Boys Division is housed in a two-story building, and the Girls Division is housed in two two-story buildings. Each division has its own library and computer lab, and shares a science lab and a visual and performing arts complex that includes an art studio and an art gallery/music practice room. Each division has its own basketball court and athletic field. The schools share in the use of the main ceremonial hall, community kitchen and dining hall, and Daoyuan Lecture Hall. The campus also houses a monastery, a convent, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, a university library, a vegetarian restaurant, an organic farm, a senior center, a bookstore, and residences for families and boarding students. Originally designed by Luther Burbank, the scenic campus abounds with myriad varieties of trees and native plants and includes a pine forest, a creek, and a wetland, making it home to a diverse population of birds and wildlife. Surrounded by mountains, vineyards, and pear orchards, the clean air and landscape of Mendocino County provide an ideal environment for fellowship and study.
